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Stop Waste, Reduce Costs!

E2F Systems Sustainability
Solutions to future proof your business today.

Studies & Energy

– Carbon Accounting
– Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)
– Monitoring & Verification IPMVP

Energy Management Platform
Technology that empowers you to do more, with less.

Digitization & AI

– Real Time Energy & Asset Monitoring
– AI Enabled Alerts
– Portfolio Visualization

E2F Systems Innovative Energy
Systems for better production, at lower costs.

Engineering & Optimization

– Custom Facility & Process Audits
– Future Ready Solutions
– Renewable Generation

E2F Systems Sustainable Development Goals

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), also known as Global Goals, are a set of 17 integrated and interrelated goals to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure that humanity enjoys peace and prosperity by 2030.

Reporting on the SDGs is important in communicating to stakeholders the company’s commitment to contributing to the Global Goals, claiming accountability and responsibility to take the necessary actions, and measuring progress over time. 

Sustainability Stats


66% of consumers would spend more for a product if it came from a sustainable brand.


88% of global consumers feel strongly that companies should improve the environment.


90% of executives think that sustainability is important.


60% of companies have a sustainability strategy.


Nearly 40% of Millennials have taken a job because of the company's sustainability.


A sustainability strategy can reduce costs substantially and can affect operating profits by as much as 60%.


Energy & Carbon Audit

Get Yours Today!

☑️Your Carbon Footprint Calculated
☑️Your Energy & Emissions Benchmarked
☑️Your Cost & Waste Reduction Plan


Our Client Testimonials

By working with E2F Systems we identified over $25,000 in annual penalties billed by our utility company. We were provided with a solution with a simple payback at the 1-year mark!



Tool & Mould Maker

Windsor, Ontario