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Understanding Ontario's Energy & Water Reporting & Benchmark Mandate

As Ontario embraces sustainability and environmental stewardship, the province has introduced the Energy and Water Reporting and Benchmarking (EWRB) mandate, a crucial initiative to promote energy efficiency and water conservation in large commercial, industrial, and multi-unit residential buildings. This comprehensive guide will delve into the essential aspects of the EWRB program, its significance, and how building owners and operators can actively participate in creating a greener and more sustainable future for Ontario.

What is the EWRB Mandate?

The EWRB mandate, established in 2018 and updated in 2023, requires buildings with a total floor area above 50,000 square feet to track, report, and benchmark their energy and water consumption data annually. This data is submitted to the Ministry of Energy through the ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager, a user-friendly online tool used for standardized reporting.

The Purpose and Benefits of EWRB

The primary purpose of the EWRB mandate is to drive energy conservation and water efficiency in large buildings. By participating in this program, building owners and operators contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, promoting sustainability, and supporting Ontario's broader environmental goals. The benefits of EWRB include:

  • Environmental Impact: Transparent reporting allows for a better understanding of energy and water usage, enabling the identification of opportunities for improvement and sustainable practices.
  • Cost Savings: Benchmarking and data analysis empower building owners to identify inefficiencies, leading to potential cost savings through energy and water conservation measures.
  • Competitive Edge: Demonstrating commitment to sustainability enhances the reputation of building owners and operators, attracting environmentally conscious tenants and investors.
  • Compliance and Reputation: Compliance with the EWRB mandate reflects responsible building management, enhancing the overall reputation of the building in the industry.
Steps to Comply with EWRB
  1. Data Collection: Building owners and operators must gather energy and water consumption data for the designated reporting year.
  2. ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager: The data is entered and managed through the ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager, providing standardized reporting and benchmarking capabilities.
  3. Data Verification: Accuracy and completeness of the reported data are crucial. Building owners must ensure data verification to maintain program credibility.
  4. Reporting Deadline: Typically July of each. 2023 has been extended to October 31, 2023.
  5. Benchmarking and Analysis: Building owners can compare their building's performance against similar ones to identify areas for improvement and set energy efficiency goals.
How to Get Started

Participating in the EWRB mandate is a progressive step towards sustainability and energy efficiency. Here's how to get started:

  1. Check Eligibility: Ensure your building meets the criteria for participation based on its total floor area.
  2. Gather Data: Collect energy and water consumption data for the designated reporting year.\
  3. Use Portfolio Manager: Sign up and use the ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager for data entry and reporting.
  4. Data Accuracy: Verify the accuracy of the data submitted to maintain the credibility of the program.

Ontario's Energy and Water Reporting and Benchmarking (EWRB) mandate presents an incredible opportunity for building owners and operators to contribute to sustainability efforts while gaining valuable insights into their building's performance. By complying with the EWRB mandate, you showcase your commitment to a greener and more resilient Ontario.

Act now and join the movement towards a cleaner, more energy-efficient future. Together, let's pave the way for a sustainable and prosperous Ontario!

If you need help with your energy management, including the EWRB mandate. Contact us today.